Tim Gunn's Tv Run

I noticed that lately Tim Gunn of Project Runway has been popping up everywhere on television this month. So, I have decided to put together a list of his current tv appearances, from this past week and future ones. I would encourage everyone to tune in and watch because this man has some great fashion tips, and let's face it, he is so charming to watch!

ps. There is a Project Runway Marathon airing on Lifetime today just in case you missed an episode and need to catch up before tonight's finale.

1. How I Met Your Mother: This week Tim started filming for the 100th episode of "HIMYM". The episode is titled "Girls vs. Suits" and will air next year in January. His character will be Barney's personal tailor/fashion consultant. (Jan.11)

2. The Biggest Loser: Tim was invited back for makeover week and helped contestants find flattering clothes that fit their new form and gave them more confidence. He also lent them his number one fashion rule- "The key to getting your fashion right comes down to 3 components: Silhouette, proportion and fit!(Nov.17)

3. The Oprah Show: On this episode Tim gave makeovers to men with horrible fashion faux pas! "Make Over My Man!" aired earlier today and will re-air tonight at 9pm. Once again he is quoted saying, "Men wear clothes that are too big for them. Silhouette, proportion and fit are our friends, and they will serve us well." (Nov.19)

4. Project Runway: Tonight is the season 6 finale and they will finally be picking a winner! Supposedly in tonight's episode, Tim has a bit of a fit/breakdown when the designers are not prepared for their runway debut. (Nov.19)

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