Good Bye Tyra Banks

Out of the blue Tyra Banks announced today that she will be ending her talk show next year. I know she always wanted to be like Oprah, but really this is going a bit far and I don't think she thought this completely through. Sure her show isn't the best but it's still pretty good and entertaining, she did win two daytime Emmys after-all! The Tyra Banks Show will officially wrap in spring 2010, at the end of its fifth season and I can't say that I won't be sad. Where else am I going to pick up fashion and makeup tips from a former Victoria's Secret model and the two Jays? The show has only been on the air for 5 years and I was hoping to see it go further, but I guess when it's time to move on it's time. Besides we can still see her on America's Next Top Model and her upcoming film projects.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks Show-Naomi

tyra banks show-barack

Tyra Banks-Robert

Tyra Banks Show-Whitney

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks-Kiss My Fat Ass

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