Lauren Conrad & Friends for Glamour
For the April/May issue of Glamour magazine Lauren Conrad, Whitney Port, and Lo are all featured within a spread for its "Friends Issue." I really thought the photos were cute and fun, and it was good to see the three girls together looking like actual close friends. The whole spread reminded me of Spring and I just loved how they were styled...but then again it made me think, what about Audrina? Oh well, maybe next time. The pictures are still great, and now I can't wait to start dressing up in my own Spring outfits!
GLAMOUR: Let’s talk fashion and style. On, SummerInTheCity says, “Lauren always looks put together. What [are] the staple pieces in her wardrobe?”
LC: A sky-high black heel. Skinny jeans—mine are BDG from Urban Outfitters. They’re affordable and I go through them so quickly; I rip and stain and spill on them. I’m like a five-year-old!