The F21 Little Black Dress

I now live just 5 minutes away from a Forever 21 and it's becoming a real problem for me. I am there all the time, which is a bit sad since it's only been open for a week! But that's beside point. The good part is that I have now found a few LBDs that I could wear on New Year's Eve. I love little black dresses and I already own a ton but I can't help but to buy another. Here are a few that I like so help me decide which one is the best!
I like this one but it's a bit plain and pricey 

I really want a one-shoulder dress but this looks way better on the model than in the stores

I can't decide if I like this dress or just the way the model rocked it!

This one is my favorite but I'm afraid it my be too simple in the front...but I love the back!

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