
Who is Jameela Jamil?

I have stumbled across another stylish starlet. This time it's former model, Jameela Jamil--now host of Britain's Freshly Squeezed and T4 television presenter. Jameela, nicknamed Jam-Jam, is said to be the next Alexa Chung. And although I do see the similarities, Jameela has an offbeat style that can stand on its own! Just think of her as a sexier version of Alexa, playing up her looks and femininity. In London and America she is known as a rising star in the fashion world, and has been quite popular over the past 3 years. Her sense of style consist of mixing high end designer pieces with less expensive finds from Forever21, H&M, and vintage shops. And without a stylist she creates each stylish look on her own--going from grunge, to girly, to chic! Not only is she known for her street style, she is an avid attender of fashion week; and fashion mags such as Vogue, InStyle, and Esquire have also taken note of her impeccable ensembles!

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